When you add your card to thesaleroom.com, our payment card provider performs a verification check with your bank. This involves a temporary 10p authorisation hold on your account, similar to how a hotel might place a hold for a night’s stay when you check in.
Key Points to Know:
- Temporary Hold: This 10p is not debited from your account but merely held as a security measure. It should not appear on your bank statement.
- Purpose: The hold is used to verify the legitimacy of the card and match it with your address details. This helps us protect both you and our auctioneers from fraud and theft.
- Secure Payments: Some auctioneers use our secure online payment method, which ensures your financial information remains confidential while allowing for easy and quick payments. We may also use your card to validate any paid subscriptions you purchase.
Additional Information:
- Bank Contact: Your bank might contact you to confirm the card addition as part of their security and fraud prevention measures.
This process helps ensure a secure and reliable transaction experience for all users.
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